Call for Papers – 2017 CLEO, 14-19 May in California USA

Consider presenting your research at CLEO in May. Review topic categories, and check out our newly-announced lineup of plenary speakers.

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CLEO: Call for Papers
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Conference and Exposition

Technical Conference
14 – 19 May 2017

16 – 18 May 2017

San Jose Convention Center
San Jose, California USA

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Key Dates

Abstract and Summary Submission Deadline
14 December 2016
12:00 EST (17:00 GMT)

Advance Registration Deadline
10 April 2017

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Share, Network, Learn

In addition to having your paper peer reviewed and published as a presenter, CLEO offers a valuable attendee experience too—with a comprehensive technical program and many networking opportunities to help you build connections with peers.

2016 Highlights:

  • More than 2,100 technical presentations (with access to all the papers electronically)

  • 3 plenary sessions with five inspiring speakers

  • Short Courses to help you learn in a more structured, intensive atmosphere

  • Postdeadline presentations on up-to-the-minute research

  • CLEO:EXPO, with 250 exhibitors and a variety of application-based presentations

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CLEO Call for Papers
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CLEO: 2016 Audience Members

Present Your Research at CLEO

Join a prestigious list of presenters in our high-quality technical program on lasers and electro-optics. In 2016, 4,600 CLEO attendees came from more than 50 countries, which gives you the opportunity to present in front of a distinguished, global audience.

CLEO offers opportunities to present full-spectrum research across 25 topic categories in three core groups:

CLEO Fundamental Science: the premier venue for discussion of basic research in optical and laser physics and related fields. Topics include optics, modern spectroscopy, optical materials, quantum information science, nanophotonics, plasmonics and metamaterials.

CLEO Science & Innovations: world-leading scientific research and innovation in lasers, optical materials and photonic devices. Topics include laser processing of materials, terahertz technologies, ultrafast optics, biophotonics, nanophotonics, metrology, sensing and energy-efficient “green” photonics.

CLEO Applications & Technology: exploration of the transition of fundamental research into emerging applications and products. The scope spans innovative laser and EO components and systems and applications. This includes biomedical devices for diagnostics and therapeutics, high power laser systems for industry and defense, environmental sensing and energy conservation.

View Topic Categories >>

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Christopher Contag,
Stanford University, USA

Atac Imamoglu,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Ursula Keller,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Nergis Mavalvala,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

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CLEO Chairs

General Chairs

Nicusor Iftimia, Physical Sciences Inc., USA, Applications & Technology

Christian Wetzel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, Applications & Technology

Junichiro Kono, Rice University, USA, Fundamental Science

Yurii A. Vlasov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Fundamental Science

Siddharth Ramachandran, Boston University, USA, Science & Innovations

Jonathan D. Zuegel, University of Rochester, USA, Science & Innovations

Program Chairs

Peter E. Andersen, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark, Applications & Technology

Michael M. Mielke, Lumentum, USA, Applications & Technology

Benjamin J. Eggleton, University of Sydney, Australia, Fundamental Science

Irina Novikova, College of William & Mary, USA, Fundamental Science

Sterling J. Backus, Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories, USA, Science & Innovations

Michal Lipson, Columbia University, USA, Science & Innovations

View Committees >>

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Start Your Submission.
Abstract and Summary Submission Deadline:
14 December 2016.

APS Physics IEEE Photonics Society The Optical Society

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