8th Conference of the INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ULTRAHIGH INTENSITY LASERS - Sept 9th to 14th 2018 - Lindau, Germany

Dear high-intensity laser enthusiast,

    The 8th Conference of theINTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ULTRAHIGH INTENSITY LASERS will take place next year in Lindau, Germany on the shore of Lake Constance fromSeptember 9th to 14th 2018. The venue for the conference will be theHotel Bad Schachen.

    The ICUIL Conference series, which started in 2004 at Lake Tao, has established itself as the main forum of the high-intensity laser community. The ICUIL conference covers three main aspects related to ultra-high intensity lasers: laser facilities, application of high-intensity lasers and components for the latter. Because it is at the core of the topic, scientists choose the ICUIL conference to present the most significant advances and updates on high intensity laser facilities worldwide. As it can be seen from the previous conferences that date back to 2004, the ICUIL conference is traditionally very efficient in acting as the main venue to report on major steps forward in the field. The second objective of the conference is to give time to laser users, mostly scientists from the academic world, to present results obtained with these lasers and give feedback to improve the performance. Therefore, the second topic covered by ICUIL is about science driven by these facilities. The last topic is about components and systems for high-intensity lasers, where the emphasis is put on cutting edge technology pushed by the laser requirements.

   Additionally, several relevant companies from all over the world active in the field of high-intensity lasers will be present on site and show their latest products at a table-top exhibit.

Important dates and information

More Information about the conference:http://www.gsi.de/ICUIL2018


Contact: icuil2018@gsi.de


On behalf of the organizers

The conference chairs: Thomas Kuehl and Terry Kessler

The program committee: Vincent Bagnoud (chair), Félicie Albert (co-chair), Qihua Zhu (co-chair), Joachim Hein, Joerg Schreiber, Dimitris Papadopoulos, Efim Khazanov, Mamiko Nishiuchi, Seong Ku Lee, Csaba Toth, Christian Spielmann, Stuart Mangles, Deepak Kumar, Dimitris Charalambidis, Tomonao Hosokai, Wei Lu, Gattamraju Ravindra Kumar, Alec Thomas, Jorge Rocca, Jens Limpert, Knut Michel, Catherine Le Blanc, David Neely, Lili Hu, Ken-Ichi Ueda, François Legaré, Douglass Schumacher

The local organizing committee: Abel Blazevic, Christian Brabetz, Sabine Kunzer, Dennis Schumacher, Thomas Stoehlker, Bernhard Zielbauer, and Diana Lang


Best regards,

ICUIL2018 Organizing Committee

Phone: +49 6159 71 2292
E-Mail: icuil2018@gsi.de

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Planckstraße 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany, www.gsi.de

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