
Dear Peilong Yang,

We have a new campaign of recruitment of King’s-CSC.

I was wondering if you could contact student in China to inform them about the attophysics group at Kings. Maybe circulate itin your institution?

Deadline for application is soon 10th of January 2020.
Start date will be Octobre 2020.

Please could you ask them to get in contact with me prior and to apply online?

In the attophysic group we are looking for excellent student with a minimum of a equivalent 1st marks and very motivated.

Here is a small text to describe what we do:


Further information:

In attached documents


Thank you



Dr Amelle ZAIR

Kings College London

Department of Physics
Room S7.12 | Strand | London | WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom


Photonics and Nanophysics Group

Head of Ultrafast Laser Sciences and Attosecond Physics

Lecturer Advanced Photonics

Chair of DEDC

MSc Physics Admision Tutor

PGR P&N Tutor

Office: S7.12

Phone: 020 7848 2491



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电话: 86-10-82649337, 传真: 86-10-82649337, Email: lidh05@sina.com,Web: http://ultralaser.iphy.ac.cn