Warm congratulations to our group leader Wei Zhiyi, who has been elected as one of the newest class of OSA Fellows

Recently, the Optical Society of American (OSA) announced 2017 Fellows Class. Our research group leader, Wei Zhiyi, has been elected as one of the newest class of OSA Fellows. We hereby express our warm congratulations.

News from: http://www.osa.org/en-us/about_osa/newsroom/news_releases/2016/the_optical_society_announces_2017_fellows_class/


近日,美国光学学会(The Optical Society of America,简称OSA)发布了2017年度新当选会士(OSA Fellow)名单。本年度全球共有96位科学家入选,其中来自中国的科学家有15名。我所光物理重点实验室魏志义研究员凭借他在超高强度飞秒激光器、载波包络相位稳定激光器、超快非线性光学和光子学方面的重要贡献成功当选(“for major contributions to ultrahigh intensity femtosecond lasers, carrier-envelope phase stable lasers, ultrafast nonlinear optics and the photonics community”)。
美国光学学会(OSA)成立于1916年,是世界光学领域权威的国际性学术组织。OSA Fellow是美国光学学会授予该领域专家的最高学术荣誉,其遴选程序非常严格,最终当选OSA Fellow的会员必须是被认为“对光学的进展做出重大贡献”的学者。


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