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  2. Jianwang Jiang, Xu Zhang, Zhaohua Wang, Hao Teng, Shaobo Fang, Jiangfeng Zhu, and Zhiyi Wei*, Power-scalable thin-disk Ti:sapphire laser amplifier, Opt. Lett., 2022, 47(21):5634-5637
  3. Seunghwoi Han*, Kun Zhao, and Zenghu Chang, Monitoring Argon L-Shell Auger Decay Using 250-eV Attosecond X-ray Pulses, Sensors, 2022, 22:7513
  4. Xianzhi Wang, Zhaohua Wang*, Xu Zhang, Jiawen Li, Jiajun Li, and Zhiyi Wei*, Temporal contrast improvement through cascaded second-order nonlinear processes in a thin BBO crystal, Opt. Lett., 2022, 47(19):4981-4984
  5. LH Guo, JJ Le, YF Zhang, XH Duan, XL Wang, ZH Zhang, ZY Wei, L Li, QY Guo, XY Liu, Z Ning, JL Wang*, WW Hu* and WW Wu*, MoS2/MXene pillared nanocomposite for ultrafast photonics applications, Nanotechnology, 2022, 33(31):315701
  6. JJ Song, LY Shen, JY Sun, ZH Wang, ZY Wei, YJ Peng*, and YX Leng*, Generation of 56.5 W femtosecond laser radiation by the combination of an Nd-doped picosecond amplifier and multi-pass-cell device, Opt. Express, 2022, 30(14):24276
  7. Zhang Peng, Teng Hao*, Yang Hao, Lü Ren-Chong, Wang Ke-Jian, Zhu Jiang-Feng, Wei Zhi-Yi, Herriott multi-pass block material stretcher and grism compressor in chirped-pulse amplification, Acta Phys. Sin., 2022, 71(11):114202
  8. Renchong Lv, Hao Teng*, Jiangfeng Zhu*, and Zhiyi Wei*, High energy widely tunable narrow-linewidth Ti:sapphire laser using combined-cavity configuration, Opt. Express, 2022, 30(10):16289-16296
  9. Yueying Liang, Xinkui He*, Liqiang Liu, Junli Wang, Shuai Wang, Zhiyi Wei*, Optimization of high-order harmonic generation for the time-resolved ARPES, Eur. Phys. J. D, 2022, 76(5):85
  10. Xin Chen, Leszek Mateusz Mazur, Dawei Liu, Shan Liu, Xin Liu, Zhuo Xu, Xiaoyong Wei, Junli Wang*, Yan Sheng*, Zhiyi Wei, and Wieslaw Krolikowski, Quasi-phase matched second harmonic generation in a PMN-38PT crystal, Opt. Lett., 2022, 47(8):2056-2059
  11. Ziyue Zhang, Hainian Han*, Guodong Zhao, Guodong Liu, Xingjiang Zhou and Zhiyi Wei, Simulations and experiments toward continuous wave 167 nm laser generation for ARPES with high energy resolution, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10: 870339
  12. Yabei Su, Shaobo Fang*, Shuai Wang, Yueying Liang, Guoqing Chang, Xinkui He, and Zhiyi Wei, Optimal generation of delay-controlled few-cycle pulses for high harmonic generation in solids, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2022, 120(12):121105
  13. Wang Yuan-Yuan, Wang Xian-Zhi, Song Jia-Jun, Zhang Xu, Wang Zhao-Hua*, Wei Zhi-Yi*, Amplification mechanism in stimulated Raman backward scattering of ultraintense laser in uniform plasma, Acta Physica Sinica, 2022, 71(5):055202
  14. Yueying Liang (梁玥瑛), Xinkui He (贺新奎)*, Kun Zhao (赵昆), Hao Teng (滕浩) and Zhiyi Wei (魏志义)*, Enhancement of isolated attosecond pulse generation by using long gas medium, Chinese Phys. B, 2022, 31(04):043302
  15. Wenjun Liu, Xiaolu Xiong, Mengli Liu, XiaoWei Xing, Hailong Chen, Han Ye, Junfeng Han*, and Zhiyi Wei*, Bi4Br4-based saturable absorber with robustness at high power for ultrafast photonic device, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2022, 120(5):053108
  16. Huibo Wang, Hainian Han*, Xiaodong Shao, Ziyue Zhang, Jiangfeng Zhu, Zhiyi Wei, All‑fiber supercontinuum source operating at 1 μm with combination of different PCFs, Applied Physics B, 2022, 128:25
  17. Jinfang Yang, Zhaohua Wang*, Jiajun Song, Renchong Lv, Xianzhi Wang, Jiangfeng Zhu* and Zhiyi Wei*, A 515-nm laser-pumped idler-resonant femtosecond BiB3O6 optical parametric oscillator, Chin. Phys. B, 2022, 31(1):014213
  18. X. Chen, D.W. Liu, S. Liu, L.M. Mazur, X. Liu, X.Y. Wei, Z Xu, J.L. Wang*, Y. Sheng*, Z.Y. Wei, W. Krolikowski, Optical Induction and Erasure of Ferroelectric Domains in Tetragonal PMN-38PT Crystals, Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 10(4): 2102115
  19. YT Gao, XZ Wang, XX Zhu, K Zhao*,HY Liu, ZH Wang, SB Fang, ZY Wei*, Quantification and analysis of the nonlinear effects in spectral broadening through solid medium of femtosecond pulses by neural network, Phys. Rev. Res., 2022, 4(1):013035
  20. Jingjing Lei, Junli Wang*, Xiaoli Wang, Zhiyi Wei, Ternary 2D Mo(1-x)WxS2 as a saturable absorber for femtosecond mode-locked all fiber lasers, Optics and Laser Technology, 2022, 145:107482
  21. Jinfang Yang(杨金芳), Zhaohua Wang(王兆华), Jiajun Song(宋贾俊), Xianzhi Wang(王羡之), Renchong Lv(吕仁冲), Jiangfeng Zhu(朱江峰) and Zhiyi Wei(魏志义)*, Diode-pumped 13 W Yb:KGW femtosecond laser, Chinese Optics Letters, 2022, 20(2):021404
  22. Xu You-Jie, Guo Ying-Chun*, Wang Bing-Bing, Quantum chemical calculation of normal vibration frequencies of polyatomic molecules, Acta Phys. Sin., 2022, 71(9): 093101
  23. Shang Shi, Jing Chen, Yujun Yang, Zhong-Chao Yan, Xiaojun Liu, and Bingbing Wang*,  Explanation of the anomalous redshift on nonlinear X-ray Compton scattering spectrum by a bound electron, Optics Express, 2022, 30(2):1664-1674
  24. Shiyang Zhong, Yueying Liang, Shuai Wang, Hao Teng, Xinkui He, Zhiyi Wei*, High harmonic generation and application for photoemission spectroscopy in condensed matter, Materials Futures, 2022, 1(3): 032201
  25. Ma Junyi, Zhao Guodong, Shao Xiaodong, Han Hainian*, Wei Zhiyi, GHz Watt-scale All Solid State Kerr Lens Mode-locked Yb:CYA Femtosecond Laser (Invited), Acta Photonica Sinica, 2022, 51(10):1014006
  26. Xiaodong Shao, Hainian Han*, Junyi Ma, Min Zhang and Zhiyi Wei, Impact of dispersion and intracavity polarization state on pump power fixed point in a Yb-fiber frequency comb, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10:1021401
  27. Wang XY, Xing YT, Chen RZ, Jia XQ, Wu JH, Jiang J, Li LY, Chang GQ, Simultaneous label-free autofluorescence-multiharmonic microscopy driven by femtosecond sources based on self-phase modulation enabled spectral selection, Act.Phys.Sin.2022,71(10):104204
  28. CHEN Runzhi, XING Yuting, ZHANG Yao, WANG Dongliang, WANG Junli, WEI Zhiyi, CHANG Guoqing*, Nonlinear Amplification Techniques for Ultrafast Fiber Lasers (Invited), Acta Photonica Sinica, 2022, 51(7): 0751415
  29. YANG Yudong, WEI Zhiyi*, Sub-cycle Laser Field Shaping (Invited), Acta Photonica Sinica, 2022, 51(1): 0151109
  30. LIU Han, WANG Hongying, ZHAO Xiaoxia, LU Yixin, WANG Di, ZHANG Yunliang, Tian Wenlong, ZHU Jiangfeng*, WEI Zhiyi, Self-starting Mode-locked Picosecond Ti:sapphire Laser Directly Pumped by Blue Laser Diodes (Invited),
  31. YANG Yunxiao, SUN Sijia, YU Yang, TIAN Wenlong, ZHANG Dacheng, ZHU Jiangfeng*, WEI Zhiyi, Advances in Research on Alexandrite Ultrafast Lasers (Invited), Electro-Optic Technology Application, 2022, 37(02):14-22
  32. YANG Hao, TENG Hao*, LYU Renchong, ZHU Jiangfeng, WEI Zhiyi, Study on femtosecond chirped-pulse amplification based on concentric stretcher, Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2022,39(04):566-573
  33. KANG Renzhu, LYU Renchong, TENG Hao*, ZHU Jiangfeng*, WEI Zhiyi, Study on Yb: KGW regenerative amplifier based on improved Frantz-Nodvik equation, Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2022,39(04):574-582

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